In 2024 we are launching a new phase to integrate all the activities of the AIBR Association into the ARIES portal.
Therefore, in order to participate in the AIBR Congress, the first thing you have to do is to open an account in ARIES. https://aries.aibr.org/login
Once inside your ARIES user space, you will find in the left side column several sections, including the Congress. One click will take you to your congress area, where you can easily register by following the instructions. The application will instantly offer you the possibility to register both panels and the rest of the proposals accepted in the Congress: free communications, workshops, special formats, posters, audiovisuals and book presentations.
If you already have an ARIES account (because you have already included articles or other contributions in ARIES), you can directly access the Congress space.
Please always use the same account to access ARIES, to avoid duplications that would slow down the whole process.
The submission of your proposal will be done exclusively through the Congress computer application. You can review the Rules for submitting proposals on the website.
Once your proposal has been evaluated and accepted, and in order for it to appear in the Program, you must complete your registration for the Congress before 23:59 h (Spanish time) on the day the Organization has set as deadline for the submission of proposals. When we refer to complete your registration, we are talking about making the corresponding payment (see price table) and sending the documents requested by the Organization to students, retirees, unemployed and members of other Associations that are not AIBR, but that have agreements with AIBR to offer discounts to participants in the Congress: all Associations belonging to the ASAEE (former FAAEE), the APA (Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia) and the ABA (Associação Brasileira de Antropologia). You can check the Registration section for more information on these cases.
Any proposal whose author (and co-authors) has not completed the registration before the dates established for this purpose will be eliminated from the Program.
You can and should do so to facilitate and speed up the paperwork. In the first part of the form you will be asked for your personal data, necessary to proceed with your registration.
With the designation special format we refer to any methodologies and formats of academic encounter different from those usually used. Presentation panels and roundtables are two conventional formats in academic conferences. However, in addition to these formats, there are alternative ways of meeting to share knowledge and learn together. Formats through which it is possible to visibilize different forms of knowledge, epistemic sensitivities and modes of presentation.
For some time now, we have been witnessing the development of new methodologies to meet (from the brief pechakucha to the unconferences) that take special care of the spaces and times designated for the exchange of knowledge. Throughout its previous Conferences, AIBR has offered the possibility of organizing workshops and exhibitions, among other types of proposals. The call for special formats this year wants to deepen now in that line, and invites experimentation with all kinds of formats, from performances to seminars to laboratories, etc., this is, formats that open a space for anthropological discussion and academic debate beyond the conventional models.
There are initiatives that are in the same line, which can serve as inspiration for those who wish to participate. Among them, we can find the ‘lab’ section that EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) hosts within its conferences since 2014, the ‘Open Formats‘ project organized and documented by the Colleex – Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation network, as well as the special (and spatial) formats organized in recent years by the Network of Studies in Science and Technology in Spain (Red esCTS).
Proposals for special formats must contain all the information necessary to be evaluated. It is required to send an abstract, with a maximum of 250 words, indicating the main anthropological theme that the proposal intends to make visible, problematize, debate or submit for discussion. In addition, it will be necessary to explain all the logistical aspects required for the development of the session, including: maximum and minimum number of attendees, formulas proposed for the control, admission or communication with attendees (forms, mailings, etc.). The Organisation of the Conference will provide technical support in this aspect to conference participants), the spaces required for its development, maximum duration of the session, and other technical requirements (projector, computer, etc.).
Like any other Conference proposal, special formats are subject to double-blind peer review. The evaluation will take into account the novelty of the format, the soundness of the proposal and the spaces available within the Conference program to accommodate the proposals received.
We know the case you are talking about. This format sought to problematize the city as a multi-sensory environment inhabited by many beings and, through this intervention, tried to understand the perspective of different animals to rethink how the city could be built from a more-than-human sensory perspective, then building models to simulate canine sensory (more details here).
Such a format would be acceptable. Of course you don’t need to drag on the floor in all special formats. Another example would be the CLEENIK, in which two PhDs in Anthropology organize a self-help group and shared therapy to support each other and reflect on how to treat the multiple diseases and ailments resulting from fieldwork.
Another case could be a choral representation to make different materials and voices of the field work speak about devices of participation in the management of a public event, playing to represent and dramatize their democratic questions as a Greek tragedy.
All these formats and many more would be acceptable. One can think of any format that raises a theoretical issue of anthropological discussion, an intervention on our methods and ways of problematizing, no matter how it is raised is untraditional and somewhat heterodox. What special formats really explore is other ways of coming together to think and learn together.
Yes. All panelists who appear in a communication, either as the main author or as an additional author, must be registered in the Congress to receive a certificate, as well as to appear in the Conference Program and the Book of Abstracts.
Yes, doctoral students are considered students as long as they have an official registration in force during the year in which the Congress is held.
Postdoctoral contracts, however, will not be considered as students and must register for the Congress as professionals.
– Do all six co-authors of the communication have to pay to appear in the Program?
No, it is not. It would suffice with one of the authors completing her or his registration for the Conference – it does not necessarily have to be the main author of the communication – for the communication to appear in the Program. Remember that, if only one of the six coauthors is registered, this person will be the only one who can present the communication in the Congress and will be the only one who appears as an author in the Programme and ARIES.
– Is it enough for the author who has registered the communication to pay the fee for it to appear in the Program?
Yes. The communication and the name of the registered author will appear in the programme.
– Do the six coauthors have to pay for their names to appear in the Program?
– Is it enough for the author who has registered the communication to pay the Conference fee for all co-authors’ names to appear in the Program?
– Do the six coauthors have to pay so that the communication is included in the Book of Abstracts, and the ARIES Journal with their names?
– Is it enough for the author who has registered the communication to pay the Conference fee for the communication to appear in the Book of Abstracts and the ARIES Journal with the names of all co-authors?
- It is presented by one of the authors, who has registered and paid
- There are two other co-authors present in the room who have also paid the registration feE
- Another of the authors is not at the Conference, but she or he has also paid the registration fee.
- And the sixth signer has not paid the registration fee
My question is: are certificates of communication presentation only given to the authors who have paid and are present, or to all those who have paid even if one cannot be there?
A certificate of participation will be provided to all co-authors of a presentation who have registered and paid for it in the time established for it.
The Organization does not have a scholarship program in place at this time, but instead maintains affordable prices for an International Congress.
It offers discounts to members of AIBR, APA, ABA and ASAEE, as well as a reduced price to students, retirees and unemployed people interested in attending. It also offers the possibility to register for the Congress together with the basic AIBR membership (for one year) at a very advantageous price.
Likewise, discounts are offered to the members of panels that present themselves conformed.
No, the only cost to be paid by the panelists is the registration fee, which they can pay once they receive approval of their panel or proposal. The payment of the registration fees for each participant in the panel will be a prerequisite for them to be included in the Congress Program. Once the resolution of acceptance has been communicated, those interested must register for the Congress within the deadlines set by the Organization, in order for their proposals to be included in the Program.
At the end of this period, communications whose authors have not paid the registration fees or submitted the required certificates in the case of students will be eliminated from the Porgram. Certificates are required for unemployed or members of other Associations other than AIBR, but who have an agreement with it to offer discounts to its affiliates (all Associations belonging to the ASAEE -formerly FAAEE-, the APA -Portuguese Association of Anthropology- and the ABA -Brazilian Association of Anthropology-) (See Registration information).
Preferably, you should provide a scanned copy of your academic registration fee for the current academic year. A certificate issued by the secretary’s office of your university center indicating the studies you are taking and stating that you are an official student at that center during the year of the Congress will also be useful.
Proof of scholarships or postdoctoral work will not be accepted: these persons must register for the Congress as professionals.
– Does my communication appear in the Program even if I indicate in advance that I will not attend the Congress?
Your abstract will not appear in the Web Program, but will appear in the ARIES Journal.
– Will the certificate of attendance be mailed to me?
The certificate of attendance will NOT be provided to anyone who does not attend the Conference.
– Will the certificate of presentation of my communication be provided?
Since you will not attend the Conference to present your work, you will NOT receive a certificate of participation.
– Will my communication appear in the ARIES Journal even if the communication has not been presented at the Conference?
Registrations cancelled before the last day set by the Organization as registration deadline for persons with approved proposals will be entitled to a refund of 60% of the registration fee. Cancellations after this date will not be entitled to a refund.
If there is no such document available in your country of residence, we will need an up-to-date affidavit certifying unemployment status.
This Conference is organized by panels, not by symposia. Panels usually last less time than symposiums. It is the participants (and not the Organization) who send their thematic proposals for the panels. This allows for great diversity, since there will be space for about 200 different panels. Each panel will last a maximum of two hours and involve a minimum of four speakers and a maximum of six. If this requirement is not met, the panel will not be accepted.
The themes are diverse. They include specialties of socio-cultural anthropology, applied anthropology, medical anthropology, biological anthropology or archeology, as well as linguistic anthropology or philosophical anthropology. In the communications registration form you will find an extensive list (drop-down menu), from which you must select the theme that is most akin to your proposal.
No. Proposals must be sent exclusively through the online registration application. Any panel, individual communication, audiovisual, poster or workshop sent by another channel will not be taken into consideration.
Coordinating a panel involves several activities: to convoke 4 to 6 speakers (the coordinator may or may not be one of them), devise a panel that has coherence and register it through the online application, serve as a bridge between the panelists and the Organization, inform them of how they should register their individual communications. The coordinator also needs to ensure the payment of registrations is done by those conforming her or his panel within the established deadlines. If panelists do not complete their registration before the deadline, their communications will not be admitted in the Congress, and could endanger the continuity of the panel. The coordinator must also be present during the entire panel, make a brief presentation of all participants, give the floor to questions and direct the debate after individual interventions have taken place. Only if these requirements are met will the corresponding certification be obtained. There will only be one coordinator for each panel.
For the registration of a panel it is necessary to submit, first of all, a title and an abstract with a minimum of 175 and a maximum of 250 words. In addition, the coordinator, who has to register the panel, will include in the registration form the names of all the panelists who conform the panel (only the name of the main author of each communication will be included). A minimum of four and a maximum of six panelists will be admitted (including the coordinator if he or she is also presenting a communication).
Only one coordinator per panel will be admitted. Since the registration of the panel in the Conference application is not automatic, it is convenient to wait until the next day for each of the panelists to start registering their communications. Each one will register their own, indicating in the registration form the name of the panel to which they belong (it will appear in a drop-down within the form), the theme of the panel and the name of any co-authors.
UNTIL THE PANEL IS NOT FULLY COMPLETED, IT WON’T BE SENT TO THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, so we recommend that coordinators encourage panelists to register their work as soon as possible.
If a registered panel does not have at least four papers registered by its panelists before the deadline for submission of proposals set by the Organization, it will not be sent for evaluation as a panel.Hence the importance of the work of the coordinator controlling the entire process of registration of the panel and the communications that compose it.
No, it’s not possible. The coordinator is responsible for getting between 4 and 6 panelists together to conform a panel. If the panel does not yet have the required number of participants, we recommend making a public call to add people working on the same topic of the panel. Of course, you can use AIBR’s social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter). This system allows people who work on the same issues to contact each other before the Congress takes place.
Although it is recommended, it is not totally necessary: you can send an individual communication. In that case, if the communication is accepted, the Organization would include it in a panel with other individual communications that have similar topic to yours. If you prefer to organize a panel, you must register it first and then each panelist must register their individual communications (before the communications sending deadline).
It is recommended to limit yourself to one communication and one panel. However, each participant can sign up to two communications (either as author or co-author) and two more signatures in any of the remaining formats (poster, audiovisual, book presentation, workshop, special formats). That is, four signed proposals per person will be admitted: two communications and another two from any of the remaining official formats.
If you are the coordinator of a panel, its registration will not count as a signed proposal in the application, so you will continue to have the possibility of presenting two communications and two other proposals (book, poster, etc.).
Remember that, if more than four proposals signed by the same person appear, the Organization will contact them to request that they eliminate one. In case of no response, by default the last registered proposal will be eliminated.
Yes, it is. Please send us your proposal through the submission form of individual communications, indicating that it is an audiovisual type. The maximum duration is 100 minutes. In addition, poster formats are also accepted (see guide of submissions).
It is not necessary to send the full paper of your communication, neither if it is an individual communication, or it is presented as part of a panel. The communication is a presentation; thus, it is only necessary to send us the summary of said presentation through the form. The full paper will NOT be requested at any time.
Note that after the Conference the corresponding issue of the Journal ARIES, ANUARIO DE ANTROPOLOGÍA IBEROAMERICANA (ISSN 2530-7843) will be published. The editors of this publication will offer authors the possibility to include the full text of their communication, either as part of the journal or through an external link. In this way, the presentation of a communication in the Conference will allow panelists who wish to, to have a scientific publication. You can find more information on AIBR website: http://aries.aibr.org/
Panels last a maximum of two hours, and will consist of 4-6 communications. Each oral communication will have an exposure time of maximum 15 minutes. The remaining time of the panel will be used for a debate. It must be borne in mind that this oral presentation is not about defending a PhD thesis, but about presenting the lines and results of a piece of research briefly, and then discussing them with other colleagues and answering questions about the study.
For audiovisuals, there will be a maximum time of 10 minutes to present the piece and a maximum of 100 minutes of audiovisual content. After the screening (one or several audiovisuals), debate time will be available up to a maximum of two hours.
For posters, a day will be indicated in which the author(s) will have to remain near their work, to solve any questions by the audience. The duration of this presentation will be one hour. Participants are also offered the possibility of placing a summary of the contents of the poster next to it for the audience to learn more about the piece.
All abstracts of communications presented at the AIBR Congress will be included in the ARIES Magazine, YEARBOOK OF IBEROAMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY (ISSN 2530-7843). Once the Congress is over, the editors of said publication will offer the authors the possibility of including the full text of their communication in said journal, either as part of it or in external link format. In this way, the presentation and defense of a communication at the AIBR Congress will allow panelists who wish to have a scientific publication (with DOI and supporting certificate)
You can find out more about ARIES magazine at: http://aries.aibr.org/
AIBR is a non-profit association founded in 2002. All members of AIBR have access to a series of advantages for being part of the Association. Membership is offered in two modalities. You can, for instance, be up-to-date and circulate fresh news on call for papers, films, exhibitions, courses or other conferences or events happening in Ibero-american Anthropology. You can also promote a recent book, send an article to our Journal AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberamericana, or get discounts on registration fees for conferences organised by AIBR, ASAAE (former FAAEE), APA and ABA. Do you want to know more? Please visit AIBR website for more details on how to become part of our community here (in Spanish).